Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I know. It's been a while.

Ever since my Rick stopped working and became a full time husband, my days are filled with spending time with him. Seldom do we stay home on days when I don't have to work. Therefore my time in the computer is limited. So, rather than me windows shopping and him watching tv, he prefers to drag me out of the house and find something fun to do. I don't blame him! It can get boring being cooped up in the house all day. What we do varies each day, movie marathons, property hunting, garage sales, pick flowers for the yard, or simply a walk around the block. He just wants to get out of the house. We are into biking this time, the weather is just too beautiful to pass up... besides, we do need the exercise! We are planning to bike around Shell Lake, which is about 9 miles, so this should be interesting.

We went to the Keweenaw Penninsula in Michigan last week. It's beautiful up there. Nature's beauty at it's best! It never ceases to amaze me how wonderful God's creation is. And the way the Americans highlight and preserve it - awesome! I know there's more to see... but so far, not a hint of disappointment in me. While up there, we spent a night at a rustic cabin. Rick found out the hard way that he married a modern Filipina and not a humble girl from the boondocks. Let's just say it wasn't a pleasant stay and he had to hear about it. Some of the little quirks about me that he still didn't know.

Marriage is indeed a lifelong process of getting to know your partner. It will have it's highs and lows, ups and downs. You are each others' cheer leader. It's a journey. Savor every moment.


ms firefly said...

yay to biking and doing fun stuffs together!

the great thing about marriage is that, you have a whole lifetime to discover and know each other. it never gets boring if you let mystery be part of the thrill, and knowing that every day holds a little surprise for both of you.

cheers! more happy days ahead!

Merecil Amigo Kidder (Em) said...

wow! nice inyo picture joy emote jud kaau:)..