I am: a workaholic.
I think: correct choices should be marked.
I know: i need to lose weight. to look better and for health reasons.
I have: a blessed life
I wish: i have my own business
I hate: waking up early in the morning
I miss: my family and friends in davao...
I fear: getting old and helpless
I hear: the tv - it's the olympics
I smell: like my shampoo
I crave: some chunky monkey from ben and jerry
I search: for answers to my questions...
I wonder: if i will ever have kids
I regret: letting myself go - weight wise...
I love: my ricky
I ache: for helpless old people...
I am not: a crafty person
I believe: all things happen for a reason
I dance: when i am alone and bored
I sing: whenever it gets too quiet at work.
I cry: me a river when i watch romantic movies
I fight: when i am provoked
I win: when i know when to walk away
I lose: my patience with stupid people
I never: forget where i came from
I always: try to be an optimist
I confuse: myself after speaking my native language. i talk to rick the same way! :)
I listen: to pop music on yahoo radio every morning at work
I can usually be found: at home, in front of the computer-window shopping!
I am scared: of the dark and being alone
I need: ten hours of sleep
I am happy about: my life.
I imagine: what life would be like if there were no wars...
I tag: ping-ping, honey may, em-em and jemima
Thanks, Boots for the the tag!
hello joy!
thank you for dropping by my blog, and leaving a comment, you made my day! :)
i cry me a river too, on movies, commercials, news, and ridiculously just about anything. i express myself better when i cry. :)
thanks for the the taggie, joy. i've posted one like this last week already. take care.
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