Saturday, August 30, 2008

Long Weekend

It's the last 3-day weekend for the summer. Cars and trucks hauling their campers, boats and whatnot, was all over the place. Our area is known to be the summer destination for Minnesotans. So they basically take over the lakes and campgrounds during this time. Monday is labor day holiday so traffic is worse than usual when it's a holiday weekend.

We don't have plans for this long weekend and Rick is just antsy for some fun! I really don't want to go anywhere far because I have a long list of to do's here at home. We got lucky and found a camp site in Shell Lake, it's about 7 miles from here, not very far and a very pretty lake! So off we go - packed, pitch the tent, and just relax with a magazine and a cool breeze from the lake. It was actually very windy and chilly. Very refreshing! We opted to go to a resto-bar for supper instead of grilling because it was just too windy. After eating, we went back to the campsite and just hang out. We didn't bring our boat because it was too cold and can't swim either for the same reason. So we were stuck in our tent. I read my magazine while Rick fidgeted with the radio trying to find the station for his baseball game. Soon it was dark and getting colder by the minute, that's when I realized we needed more blankets! We have only one to share and wished it will last us 'til morning.

The campsite was just a zoo! People were rowdy and rude! It was almost 1am and they are still partying! I spent the night tossing around and texting my sisters. I could not sleep! The noise and the cold was terrible! Finally at six in the morning, Rick asked if I wanted to go home. Whew! The whole ordeal was over. We were both tired from the night of camping out. Now, we have the whole weekend to relax and unwind from our day of relaxing and unwinding at the camp. Ironic huh?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Picture It

An Afternoon In Our Yard

Oh, such lovely flowers
The long green wall in the deck is adorned by them
Bees and bugs hop from one bud to another
What are they searching?

The sun is shinning
A gentle breeze is blowing
Humming birds dancing on our feeder
Why do they fly so fast?

Flowers, birds, bees and bugs in the yard
God took care of them everyday and always
He promised us the same
Why not start believing?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tagged: All About Me

I am: a workaholic.
I think: correct choices should be marked.
I know: i need to lose weight. to look better and for health reasons.
I have: a blessed life
I wish: i have my own business
I hate: waking up early in the morning
I miss: my family and friends in davao...
I fear: getting old and helpless
I hear: the tv - it's the olympics
I smell: like my shampoo
I crave: some chunky monkey from ben and jerry
I search: for answers to my questions...
I wonder: if i will ever have kids
I regret: letting myself go - weight wise...
I love: my ricky
I ache: for helpless old people...
I am not: a crafty person
I believe: all things happen for a reason
I dance: when i am alone and bored
I sing: whenever it gets too quiet at work.
I cry: me a river when i watch romantic movies
I fight: when i am provoked
I win: when i know when to walk away
I lose: my patience with stupid people
I never: forget where i came from
I always: try to be an optimist
I confuse: myself after speaking my native language. i talk to rick the same way! :)
I listen: to pop music on yahoo radio every morning at work
I can usually be found: at home, in front of the computer-window shopping!
I am scared: of the dark and being alone
I need: ten hours of sleep
I am happy about: my life.
I imagine: what life would be like if there were no wars...
I tag: ping-ping, honey may, em-em and jemima

Thanks, Boots for the the tag!

Monday, August 18, 2008

I Did It!

celebrating my scrub days

Today was my last day working at the Business Office. I am officially reinstated to my old job at the kitchen. I think it was the right thing to do, both to my employers and for myself. I felt better after telling my boss I was coming back. Hearing it out loud made it seem official and my heavy burden was gone. I don't know why I even wanted to leave our department in the first place. I am happy there. You should've seen the smiles and heard the shrieks of excitement when I told everybody in the kitchen that I was coming back. That really made me feel loved. Time off from them made me realize how much I like working there. I guess I needed the break to appreciate what I have. I sleep better now knowing where and what I will be doing tomorrow. My routine is back!

It may look like I'm crazy for giving up an office job, but I really don't care. What I do at the kitchen makes me humble. There, I learn what it is like to work hard for your money. And by doing so, makes me appreciate what I have and thus, spend wisely. Besides, I am still an accountant during the day. That's my ego booster!

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Breather

The past couple weeks has been crazy. With the advent of my new job, life has been confusing and very stressful. The new job is not too hard, it's my schedule that I'm complaining about. Juggling two part-time jobs is not an easy task. My day starts at six in the morning and it ends at eleven at night, depends if I sleep right away, but I have been sleeping well lately because I am just EXHAUSTED! I have been putting in 12 hours of work lately and getting a fifteen minute break. Yah, I don't have time to eat. I munch on anything sugary as the day goes on just to give me an energy boost. I know it's not healthy , but what can I do? Need to keep on going and I am no energizer bunny!

Anyway, even with my hectic, no eating schedule, I still think life is beautiful. Being optimistic is a good way to deal with stress and my candy jar does the trick too. Last weekend Rick and I met up with a long time friend. Honey May rode with some friends all the way from Arkansas to Minnesota just to shop at the Mall of America. It's kind of ridiculous, but hey, who am I to judge them. It was nice to see her again. Although we didn't get to spend a lot of time together, the brief moment we had, was a lot of fun. We'll see each other again someday but for the meantime phone calls will do. Didn't spend much at the mall. I feel fat and ugly and nothing looks good on me. So there, I saved some money! But I spent my saved money at the Filipino store. Bought a bunch of snacks like my all-time fav chippy! Bought some fruits and veggies too! Durian was one of them and boy, did Rick enjoy the smell! hehehe...

Well, I better get some snooze or maybe some snack? The food talk is making me hungry... Thank God it's finally the weekend. I get to sleep in and have some ME time again... Re-charge my battery for the upcoming week. I am done training now, so next week I am working on my own. Wish me luck! Although I am still confused if I should keep the job or not. I really miss working with my friends in the kitchen. I only have two days left to decide if I will stay or go back. It's really tempting to go back, specially with the conflict of my schedule. It's hard to make up my mind but I know I have to choose soon. Will keep you posted.

Wisdom, that's what I have been praying for every night.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

New Job

Today I started on my new job. Everybody seems to be nice. They had a little potluck lunch for no special reason at all. They just want to eat! Another girl started today as well. So it was cool. I have the advantage though because I mostly know everybody in the facility. The job is not so hard. All I need to do is register patients for admission or diagnostic imaging, help visitors find their way in the building and answer the phone. That's pretty much it! I had the short shift today, so I only worked four hours. Which isn't too bad because then I get to work at my other job!

My schedule is pretty messed up for now. I am actually working three jobs! Still have to finish my schedule at the kitchen and that is until next week. But after that, I am pretty much on my own. Don't know what my hours would be like with my new job, either way, I have to talk to my BOI boss and let him know my schedule. He's flexible so it shouldn't be a problem (I hope!). If it is, then it's time for me to go. I know they pay really well, but they don't have benefits, and the way the company is being ran... I don't think they'll make it. So I better stick to my job at the hospital. The health care industry is stable, plus they have really good benefits. But, I am still hoping having both jobs wont be a problem... Variety in life is always fun. The challenge keeps my mind working!

Please do pray for me... Hope all goes well.

Monday, August 04, 2008

An Opportunity

Got a call this morning from the manager of the Business Office at the hospital, she wanted to know if I want to come in and take a test for a job opening at their department. I'm so glad I was considered. I have been hoping to get a job at their department for a while now. I wanted to use my office skills rather than wash dishes all day. I talked to my boss about the opportunity and she was happy and sad at the same time. Happy that I get to do what I want and sad because she hates to let me go. She considers me to be one of her best workers. I am excited about this new opportunity. I am really hoping to get a full time job. Preferably during the day. Because I want to spend my nights with hubby. I'm confused as of the moment on what to do. I hate to quit at BOI because the pay there is really good. Juggling two jobs wont be too bad. Hopefully I can keep both jobs since they are part-time. Well, I guess i'll make the decision once I get the job. There's no point in worrying about something that didn't happen yet.

I better go to bed. Get some rest. Tomorrow is another day...

Friday, August 01, 2008

A Trip Down Memory Lane

This morning while waiting for my antivirus to get fixed, instead of staring at the screen, I decided to clean up one of the drawers of our computer table. It's overflowing with 'crap' from I dunno when. I carefully glanced at each piece of paper, thinking it might be important because I had put it in a safe place. I found a neatly stacked receipts from our basement remodel, another pile from when we went to Florida and a couple other from one of our many trips! I can't believe I hang on to things like these. There's quite a few receipts from clothes shopping, grocery and gas! Why do I keep the receipts? Honestly, I really don't know! It might be from instinct. Being a bookkeeper, every single receipt is important. My subconscious must be telling me to do the same thing at home! It's really silly! Oh yeah, I found my airline ticket from when I came over here from the Philippines too! Yah, it's been that long since I emptied this drawer. :-)

During this impromptu clean-up drive, I came across my 2002 planner. In it were important information of family and friends, such as birthdays, phone numbers and email addresses. It was my lifeline before the cellphone genre. A good portion of the entries are from when I was such an EB freak (eyeball:chat room vernacular for meeting in person). Names, email-ad or their YM nick! It was fun browsing the pages... a lot of familiar names but no face to match it to. Quite a few touched my life in a special way. The planner was a mini version of a diary, little entries of what happened that day. The most special one was of Rick - the first time we met, where we went, goofy details complete with little smiley faces. I might show it to him later, then we can take the trip down memory lane together. I'm happy to see my planner again. Reminded me of my young and carefree life, my struggles to fit in and find my Mr. Right. I'm so glad it's all behind me now, but the memory will never fail to put a smile on my face.

Life is a big puzzle. Every little piece counts to make a better picture. You have to look back to admire the beauty of today.