Are you deeply in love with your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend? If you do, let’s try how well you remember the moment of your life with him. But before you put yourself in the hot seat please read the rules of this tag first.
1. This tag should be pass on to your friends.
2. Visit the blog of the person you’ve got this tag.
3. Leave a comment on her/his tag post. Be sure to thank her/him for this tag.
4. Highlight and link all the list of people who accepted this tag by visiting their blog site.
5. There are 10 questions that you need to answer but you will be the one to write the 10th question for the next person you want to pass this tag. Here are the questions. Be honest with your answers.
Let’s Start:
1. How did you meet your husband?
I met Rick online, on a dating site called That was back in 2002. He emailed me first. I fell in love with the long emails he sent me. He's a very good writer.
2. Where did you go on your first date?
We never really had a first date. Because the first time we met and went somewhere, my family was always with us. First dinner was at my house. I wanted my parents to know him first before anything else. Second night, we went to Jack's Ridge. He requested our song - I Will from the people serenading the guest at the restaurant. I felt embarrassed then but now I think that was so sweet...
3. When was your first intimate kiss?
I decided to do this, so i guess i have to answer this one! So here goes... all I can say is... it did NOT happen on the first date! :-)
4. How many girlfriends did he have in the past? Do you honestly know?
He didn't really say how many girlfriends he had. I guess too many that he couldn't remember them. He was married before though, but the marriage didn't last long. I saw a couple love letter when I was cleaning the garage.. He told me that was from long time ago. I guess all that matters now is that HE'S ALL MINE!
5. What is his ethnicity?
He’s American.
6. What is his favorite food?
Anything that doesn't contain any vegetation.
7. What is he like if he is mad?
He walks fast with heavy footsteps!
8. What are the things he did you thought is the most romantic thing he’d ever done?
Sometimes I come home from work and he would have a box of chocolate for me. Sometimes a flower on the dining table he picked from the garden. Little gestures that suggests he was thinking of me while I was gone. So sweet!
9. Describe how he proposed to you.
He proposed to me twice! The first time was very informal. He wants to do it right, so he asked my dad's permission and the next day proposed again, down on one knee with a diamond ring!
10. When did you know he was the ONE?
When he said my magic words! I was so happy! I knew then he was God's answer to my prayer. I was getting kinda old so I was getting impatient. That's how I ended up having an account on a dating site.
I'm passing this tag to all the married ladies out there who reads my blog...
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