Finally! I have the whole day to myself. Rick had to go to Wausau for work and the guy doing our basement decided not to show up today too! So, i am alone in the house. Well, of course the three cats are here with me... It is sometimes nice to be alone. I have time to catch up with my housework, email friends, make a meal that i like and wear my pajamas all day! It is a good time to think too. Think of christmas shopping, what presents to buy, what to wear on our christmas dinner and just think of anything that i didnt have time to think when i was busy with work! Oh! i just love being alone sometimes! I am going to watch the Pirates of the Carribean again later, this time with sub-title! hehehe i have a hard time understanding Jack Sparrow! Forgive me for being slow! :-)
Last Saturday, we gave our friend, Em, a baby shower. That was one of the reason why i need some alone time. We had to rush, rush and rush to have everything ready. We only had 5 hours to prepare. In 5 hours we had to accomplish the prizes for the games, plates, napkins, cups and silverware, appetizers, drinks and more food! Jemima and I was able to make it! Whew! Most of our guest were Filipinos so they were late! *-* and that was a good thing! We had a blast! The food was good, new friendship was made, a lot of talk and laughter. It was funny though coz there was a mixture of tagalog and cebuano people, so sometimes we get confused as to who is which, so we start talking in bisaya and the other person would say she didnt understand a thing! And we'll just laugh! The party lasted for 4 hours! That was amazing... before we went home, we planned for a Christmas party, it'll be on the 23rd of December. Hopefully it'll be twice the fun!
Enough said already. I better get back to my day and enjoy it some more. I wish i can call my family, but it's early morning there. I woke up at 9:30 this morning so i wasnt able to catch anybody online. I miss all of them. Havent talked to anybody since we got back from our vacation. Maybe i'll give them a call tonight...