Monday, December 25, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Oh, Christmas Tree

I am still not done with my christmas shopping. I still have to buy Ken's kids some presents! Although it wont be too hard coz all they have on their list was a bunch of cd's, dvd's and video games. So we're gonna get those on christmas eve day. We dont have a choice coz we only have a walmart here and they dont have a lot of choices. I'm not done shopping for Rick either but i already got him a couple presents under the tree. I hope he'll like them. And for my family in the Philippines, i am just gonna send them money and they can buy whatever they want. I know it's not the same as opening a real present that has been sitting under the tree for days but, i dont have a choice, kay-kay usually does the christmas shopping for me but now that she's pregnant, she cant do it! I've heard that our tree looks so empty this year... i feel bad... but, we'll make up for it next year! Hopefully...
I sure do miss spending the holidays with my family. I miss the rush, the bunch of presents under the tree, the good food and the chaos when they open their presents. It's really different here. We dont stay up until midnight to wait for christmas or new year. No fireworks, no excessive food on the table, no relatives coming to visit. I came to accept that difference, but there are just times when i miss the filipino way of celebrating christmas and new year... Now, i'm all misty thinking about home... i miss my sisters - the shopping and cooking, i miss my brothers - all the yelling at them to help us and for stealing the food, i miss my mom and my dad who patiently prepares for everything and trying hard to keep the traditions in the family going. Now, i have a new life without them, my new life is so peaceful that i long for the chaos back home which i tried so hard to escape. I know it's crazy to want that but i really do miss all of them... Hopefully someday we'll be able to spend the holidays with them.
Monday, December 11, 2006
My day-off
Last Saturday, we gave our friend, Em, a baby shower. That was one of the reason why i need some alone time. We had to rush, rush and rush to have everything ready. We only had 5 hours to prepare. In 5 hours we had to accomplish the prizes for the games, plates, napkins, cups and silverware, appetizers, drinks and more food! Jemima and I was able to make it! Whew! Most of our guest were Filipinos so they were late! *-* and that was a good thing! We had a blast! The food was good, new friendship was made, a lot of talk and laughter. It was funny though coz there was a mixture of tagalog and cebuano people, so sometimes we get confused as to who is which, so we start talking in bisaya and the other person would say she didnt understand a thing! And we'll just laugh! The party lasted for 4 hours! That was amazing... before we went home, we planned for a Christmas party, it'll be on the 23rd of December. Hopefully it'll be twice the fun!
Enough said already. I better get back to my day and enjoy it some more. I wish i can call my family, but it's early morning there. I woke up at 9:30 this morning so i wasnt able to catch anybody online. I miss all of them. Havent talked to anybody since we got back from our vacation. Maybe i'll give them a call tonight...
Friday, December 08, 2006
Back to Reality

But now, we're back home. Our cold and snow-covered home. I am happy to be back but sad too coz Florida is just so pretty! I really loved our vacation, it was nice to get away and not think about work and bills for a while, but simply enjoy life and live it like how it is supposed to be. But I guess i wouldnt have enjoyed it as much if we live there, i would have taken for granted it's beauty like what i do here. I am simply grateful for life and it's beauty that surrounds us...
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Honey May and Me

It was really nice to see a familiar face after living here for quite a while. Seeing her made me miss my family. My sisters, which she's also friends with. My mom and my dad, whom she helped while they were busy during tax season. My brothers, who likes to tease her. It's really nice having a friend like her. Hopefully this friendship will last forever and stay stronger as years go by...
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Mechie - soon to be Mom
Rick asked me if i was okay with her getting pregnant before me. I told him i am perfectly fine with it! I know things happen in God's time. I am glad too that my parents will have a grandkid soon! A tiny bundle of joy! It'll change the family. I am just so exicited! and kay-kay getting pregnant gave me hope too because we both have the same condition but she was able to conceive. So, no sad stories for me! I am excited and very happy for jong and kay. Wohoo! Way to go! More to come!
Kay-kay, you're not an ATE anymore. You're gonna be a MAMA!
Mechie and Jong, congratulations! We now have a greater reason to come home. Maybe we'll see you guys in a year!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
It was my mom's birthday last november 3rd. I wasnt able to call them (again!) coz i had to work! i dont know what's up with my schedule! It seems like whenever it's somebody's birthday i have to work really early! It sucks! I only sent her an e-card and she said that the card made her cry... awwww that's so sweet. I didnt mean for her to cry! I just wanted to let her know we miss her and how much we love her. We do miss being with the family.
Anyway, i have to get going... Tom Cruise is waiting for me and it's getting late! Have to wake up early tomorrow for church.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The phone woke me up friday. it was one of rick's co-workers, telling me Rick was brought to the ER, he was having chest pains. Then, my mind was spinning like crazy, trying to remember the last time i saw him, i was half asleep so it wasnt such a good memory. I kept praying that he is fine but at the back of my mind i was scared, what if it's bad and he's gonna die! I couldnt bear the thought. But the whole time i didn't cry. i was too scared to cry. i have to be strong. i just want to see him and make sure he's okay. I got to the hospital and saw him and he was better. I was relieved. I was waiting for him to be released when the nurse called me and said that they are gonna transfer him by ambulance to St. Mary's in Duluth for more tests. I couldnt believe what i heard. I got scared again. This must be something serious. Worse- i have to drive myself!
I've been to Duluth quite a few times. It's like 90 miles away from Spooner or an hour and a half drive. But, i never drove there by myself. Rick was always with me, telling me which exits to take and which corner to turn. So i was really nervous and worried at the same time. But i didn't have a choice. So i just kept on going. I made it in one piece, no accident whatsoever. My knees was so weak when i finally got to the hospital and saw Rick. I was relieved i made it and relieved to see Rick's okay...
Somehow, this experience made me stronger and confident about my driving. It also taught me a valuable lesson in life. Life is short. We hear it all the time but we never truly understand the meaning of it unless we experience something that reminds us of our mortality. Although, this time it wasn't my life, it was of someone i truly love. We really should live life to the fullest. Enjoy each other as long as we can. And most of all, being thankful for every morning we wake up because we are given another chance to love and be loved all over again.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Winter is coming
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Mom's coming!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Minnesota Twins
Go Twins! (for next season)
Sunday, October 01, 2006
1st day of October
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Now, I realized that Rick and I have different interest. He likes to go out. While I only went to bars before just to meet guys. But now that i have him, i am not interested anymore. I used to like go to the movies and make-out, but with the movie theaters here so small, you cant even whisper or yet, "do" anything! Besides, we dont need to go anywhere just to make out! hahaha I really need to come up with something before he gets really bored. I feel bad too coz i work too much and i always come home from work tired. Something really has to change... Help!
Anyway, it's fall! Meaning, new season of my favorite shows is coming up! Like Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Nip/Tuck, CSI and Dancing with the Stars! These are the reasons i like staying home. I used to have at least one favorite show for each day. But with 7th Heaven and Charmed gone, my line-up isn't complete. Plus i am tired of watching Sex and The City reruns!
I really should get a life!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
On Bong
Friday, September 22, 2006
I was almost done with what i was doing. I looked at that resident and smiled. I didnt feel sorry for her anymore. I was grateful. I went to get her and wheeled her to her place. It was still early and she shouldn't be in there. But it's not her fault that the dining room door was left open. Besides, i owe her one for giving me this thought. She reminded me to be thankful that i can still do things, whether i like it or not! Somehow it occured to me that this is just her body, her soul left her long time ago. She is just here to serve her purpose. She's still here for people like me...
Monday, September 04, 2006
Picture It! 4
Training session
you might find it weird that i am writing about this girl i trained. this is simply my way of showing you guys that not everyone here is smart! they can be the dumbest creatures on earth! oh, they are not the prettiest either! there was this young lady, a co-worker's daughter, she thinks she's really pretty! she acts like it anyway! i really dont know how to explain it. but she is what we call "pamati" or "OA" in the Philippines. she looks trashy too! wish i can take picture of her... and so whenever i see her and she starts talking, i laugh inside and i really want to tell her that she is not pretty! hahaha... she's not my friend so i cant do that! i shoudnt be writing this but i did! for all we know she feels the same way i do! hahaha...
anyway, my new schedule is not really working for me and rick. so i will try talking to our manager tomorrow and convince her to give me day shifts. i hope it works! coz if it doesnt, then i have to cut my hours and only work 3 days a week instead of 6 (meaning, lesser shopping money for me!). i have to figure out something for the extra time i'll have! i'll try to look for another part-time job. housekeeping perhaps?
Friday, August 25, 2006
Random thoughts
It's the weekend and i got the weekend off. Yipee! My week has been pretty busy. I only got one day off. I know i said i dont have a job anymore. But i still have that part time job at the hospital. I dont get much hours there and lesser pay too. So i am still currently looking for another job. I applied to a couple so far. Hope i'll get positive results. I miss getting up in the morning and dressing up for work. Now, i wake up at nine and wear sweat pants to work. It's not very glamorous, i know, but at least i am doing something and earning money at the same time.
Rick wants me to think of something fun to do this weekend and all i can think of is shopping! But i am not in my shopping mood coz i dont need anything right now. I dont need more nice clothes coz i certainly dont need it at the hospital. I cant wear jeans there either! The past couple times we went out shopping, it was Rick that actually bought something! I am proud of him! I think my style is slowly rubbing off to him. I was gonna go shopping for my family back in the Philippines so that i can finally send them the balikbayan box, but i had to send a bigger amount of money last Monday to pay for my dad's hospital bill. So right now, i cant afford to do anything.
It's a gloomy day here. We had bad storms last night. 7 tornado touchdown in the cities, which isnt very far from here, but we mostly had strong wind and rain. I think it's tornado season again. It can be pretty scary , specially when we hear the siren goes off, it means the tornado is here. Nothing bad happened to our town so far since i've been here. Hope it stays that way! I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Hope the weekend would be better so we can go to the driving range or better yet play 18 holes! :wink:
Monday, August 21, 2006
Fishing Day

I get to drive the boat too! It was fun! The weeds were a little scary though. It gets through the propeller and makes the motor run slower. It felt like the weeds didnt was us to go anywhere!
Fishing is weird. There's a lot of different kinds of stuff to use like hooks, bobber, lures, lines and bait. And you have to use a specific type of "stuff" for a certain type of fish. I know it's mind boggling! I never knew fishing's so complicated! It was frustrating at first but i gave in and settled for just catching a sunfish. All we caught were little ones, so we end up throwing it back in the water. Finally, after catching so many, we gave up and went cruising around the lake instead. I had lots of fun and I have learned so many new things too! We already had our next fishing trip planned. Hopefully we'll catch a keeper this time.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Picture It! 3

Glensheen Mansion - Duluth, MN
The place was rumored to be haunted. The owner of the house was robbed and murdered inside. The place is open to the public for tours. The tour is not about the murder though, but about the house. It was considred hi-tech during its time. Nothing creepy happened when we took the tour. But the baby of our friend was giggling and nobody was playing with him?
Monday Misery
But my day wasnt a complete waste. I cleaned the living room and kitchen windows! I finished the laundry too. Tomorrow, i'll do the ironing! Oh boy! My life is so exciting! I dont know why i am writing an entry about my day! This is just a complete waste of your time - to whoever bothered to read this! hahaha
I just feel so miserable... I like being productive, needed and useful. I better think of a project...
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Bye bye job!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Old friends...
Well anyway, i am happy to hear from her again. Hopefully i'll get an email from her soon. Although I am a bit upset coz I never heard from Laura and Abigail anymore. I sent them a couple emails but still nothing... I dont know if I offended them or something... I even went back and checked the emails i sent them. It wasnt bad at all! Oh well, at least I tried...
Saturday, July 29, 2006
I have been doing a lot of shopping online though. Bought a tankini swimsuit. Hope it'll get here soon. I cant wait to try it on! Was looking for good deals on desktop computers too. We really need a new one! But i cant make up my mind on what to get! Gateway or Dell? Both offers good quality computers, same specs and about same price too. So it's really tough! I'm racking my brain trying to pick! I tried reading some reviews about those two companies. It was helpful. Helped me get confused some more! Arrrgh! Both has its advantage and disadvantage. It's just a matter of which is more important to you. And honestly, i dont know the answer to that one! All i care is having a pc. But i'll come up with a decision before the day ends. Hopefully...
Rick has to go to work this afternoon. He needs to be in their booth at the Washburn County Fair. He's asking if i want to go. I dont know! I dont have anything to do here at home. I am all done with my chores. I dont feel like doing anything or going anywhere. So there! That's my answer!
I dont know... my day is just so full of uncertainties. I bet this entry is confusing too. But i am just pouring my thoughts here. Hoping that by reading what i am thinking, i might come up with something... oh well... maybe a little chunky monkey will help! Yum!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Monday, July 03, 2006
Friday, June 30, 2006
On weddings and divorce
All along I thought inter-country marriages lasts forever. That divorce rarely happens, specially if the guy is older than the girl. (It shows age doesnt stop no one!). It is so hard to marry someone from the Philippines. There's a lot of process you have to go through. Travel, paperworks, and the waiting. These guys have to go through all that just to get the woman of their dreams, the love of their life. It is not easy. Not at all! I was so foolish to believe that the ocean that separates our countries is proof enough for a lasting relationship. I was wrong. Nothing guarantees forever. We have to keep working on it. Love. Respect. Work.
I was gonna tell her how happy i was that we just had our vows renewed. But i guess now is not the right time to share my good news. There's always time for that later. It's ironic how i was so happy celebrating our love and on the other side of the country, someone is grieving.
I consider myself lucky for having someone who cares for me a lot. But this news from her reminded me of how things cannot go exactly as we wanted it to be. We cannot have everything in the world. Do not take for granted what we have now. Be grateful.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
One week
It's been a week since our wedding. The bouquet of red roses Rick gave me is still very much alive and blooming as ever. I cant believe it lasted that long! It really is pretty!
The wedding was wonderful. Everybody had a nice time. They all love the priest, Father Andrew Ricci, he made the ceremony so light and the atmosphere was friendly and comfortable. They all said i looked so pretty and my dress was beautiful. I dont know if they were lying or not! But, hey! i'll take the compliment! hehehe... The food was really good too! And oh such big serving! I am glad it's over and done with. No more worries and I am sleeping better this time.
Nothing seem to have change in our relationship. We dont feel any holy'er or better than anybody. We are still the same couple who love each other so much. I am glad we have each other. It sure is nice having someone to love and someone loving me back. I hope and pray that we will stay in love forever... perhaps another wedding?
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Here comes the bride...
i cant explain my feelings... i'm excited and nervous at the same time! i'm afraid i wont be able to sleep tonite! i dont know why i am so worried though, it's not like my husband will change his mind and not show up at church! we're already married! two years in fact! or me, do a julia roberts stunt and run! i'm more worried about tripping during the bridal march or do something stupid while we're up in the pulpit. i'm crossing my fingers and hope that everything will be perfect.
But it's a nice feeling getting married again. it proves that after two years of being married, we still want to be together. he still wants to be with me. and i still want to be with him. i can never imagine myself being with somebody else. i dont want anybody else. he's not perfect. so am i. but our imperfection made us perfect for each other. i'm lucky he found me. i was thousands of miles away. but he found me. true love thus wait. and i am glad i did.
to my ricky, thank you. i couldnt ask for anything more. you are wonderful! you are so kind to me, so patient and understanding. i can be a handful sometimes but you still smile and say you love me. how did i get so lucky? i dont know. i think somebody up there loves me. HE gave me YOU! my wonderful ricky...
Happy 2nd year Anniversary! I love you!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
It made me smile thinking how the old days were... how we were so young and carefree... Now we have our own families! We're all grown up and responsible (i think)! But it made me feel sad that none of them even tried to add me as their friend. I'll try to leave one of them a message. That way they'll know i am still alive!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Upper Peninsula in Michigan Trip 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Dealer's Meeting
I am getting pretty excited about this dealers meeting. Because I can finally put a face on that voice that I get to talk to on the phone all the time. Most of them sounds nice. I'm more curious about these guys that came from the Southern part of the country. Their accent intrigues me...
Hopefully everything will work out tomorrow. There will be a banquet after the meeting and I am taking my husband with me. I dont know if we're suppose to wear formals though... I'll find out tomorrow! I hope they would serve something that Rick can actually eat! hahaha